
What do you need to know about Brexit?

You can read a lot about what difficulties Brexit can cause companies in the field of import-export.

We dealt with customs procedures even before Hungary's accession to the EU, during our 20-year presence on the market, the United Kingdom has always played a priority role, Multilog Kft. is prepared. 

Check out our CustomsWiki service, where instead of boring, outdated blogs, you can find out about customs procedures in general and exhaustively about Brexit!

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We have compiled a short excerpt about Brexit so that you can get quick information about the changes.

The United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union on 1 February 2020, but the withdrawal will be followed by a transitional period until 31 December 2020, as agreed between the European Union and the United Kingdom. https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/HU/TXT/?uri=OJ%3AL%3A2020%3A029%3ATOC

In accordance with the exit agreement, the United Kingdom is now officially a third country for the EU and thus no longer participates in EU decision-making.

This may include:

  1. You must lodge a customs declaration for the import or export of any goods to or from the United Kingdom or for the transit of goods through the United Kingdom.
  2. You will also have to pay customs duties and VAT on goods imported into the EU from the UK. (If necessary, we will provide a deferred VAT payment option, see indirect representation on CustomsWiki)
  3. A vám-árunyilatkozat kitöltése kihívást jelenthet azoknak a cégeknek és természetes személyeknek, akiknek korábban erre nem volt szükségük. Az uniós vámjog éppen ezért mindenkinek lehetőséget biztosít arra, hogy vámügyeit egy erre szakosodott szakemberre bízza. Ennek a lehetőségnek ad keretet a vámjogi képviselet jogintézménye. Igénybevételével bárki képviselőt jelölhet ki, hogy a vámhatóságok előtti ügyeiben a vámjogszabályok szerint helyette eljárjon.

Discover our CustomsWiki service, a repository of immediate and exhaustive answers, which we hope will be your effective help in customs administration! The following articles are all related to Brexit.


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